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[2024 - 2025] How to Check Course Registration Details
DATE: Nov 7, 2024  |  READ: 741


Number of Courses: The total number of applied and waitlisted courses cannot exceed the number of courses you have paid for.

For example, if you have paid for 2 courses and are registered for 1 course and waitlisted for 1 course, your course enrollment capacity is fully used. To register or waitlist for an additional course, you must cancel one of your current courses.

For students who have applied for one or two courses: Please note that increasing the number of courses is no longer available for the 1st round of course registration, as your tuition invoice has been confirmed based on your previous payment. If you wish to add more courses, please request via email after the 1st round of registration and arrange an additional payment for the increased credits. Additional courses can also be added during the 2nd round of course registration.

Pop-Up Messages That May Appear:

  • Exceeded maximum enrollment: This message appears when there are no more seats available in the chosen course or no credits remaining. Please select other courses or remove courses from the Waiting List or Applied List. Occasionally, additional space may become available later.

  • There is a time overlap in the course selection: This message appears when the chosen course conflicts with another registered course during a specific period. The online registration system does not allow overlapping enrollments within the same time period. Students must select one course per period (Period 1 or Period 2).

Your browser may log you out if another attempt to log in with the same student ID occurs from a different location. In that case, please try logging in again and check your password. Alternatively, clear your internet browsing history and try again.


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