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As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Seoul and Gyeonggi recently gradually increases, the “Social Distancing” and Disinfection Responding System will be raised to Level 2 starting on August 16, 2020 (Sun.).
[Social Distancing Level 2]
¡Û Refrain from unnecessarily going outside, gathering, or using facilities that are used by a mass; comply with the guideline for personal hygiene.
¡Û Refrain from having a gathering, meeting, or event with more than 50 indoor gathered individuals or 100 outdoor gathered individuals.
¡Û Hold sports events with no audience.
¡Û Enforce people to comply with core disinfection rules, such as the prohibition on a gathering, event, or meal service of religious facilities.
¡Û Restrictions on a gathering at high-risk facilities and enforce them to comply with the disinfection rules.
¡Û Keep less than 50% of the normal number of guests at national and public indoor facilities.
¡Û Postpone the opening of schools, kindergartens, and daycare centers with remote classes recommended (decrease the number of students that go to school to one-third).
¡Û Lower the density of workers at institutions and companies as much as possible through flexible working hours or working from home.
¡Û Advise the residents of Seoul and Gyeonggi to refrain from traveling to other cities or provinces.
¡Û (Basic direction) Refrain from having unnecessary or non-essential gatherings and meetings and using facilities that are used by a mass; minimize the touch between individuals
¡Û (Region) Seoul, Gyeonggi
¡Û (Period) Two weeks starting on August 16. If the situation does not get improved after two weeks or before, the level of Disinfection System will be reinforced for the next two weeks.
Two weeks of operation where the range of facilities that are enforced to comply with disinfection rules are expanded considering the people’s receptivity and economic conditions and the cancellation of gatherings and events are strongly recommended.
If the situation related to new confirmed cases get deteriorated, the level of Disinfection System will be reinforced for the next two weeks, ordering high-risk facilities to stop operation and banning gatherings, meetings, and events.
[Facilities Used by a Mass]
¡Û (High-risk facilities) Keep enforcing the pre-existing disinfection rules (restrictions on gatherings), reinforce the rules for some facilities, and add Internet cafes to the list
– (Reinforcing the disinfection rules) Restrict the number of users (maximum 1 person per 4§³) in clubs, bars, and colatecs among the pre-determined high-risk facilities; put additional restrictions on the movement within or between the facilities
– (Additional designation) Internet cafes will be designated as high-risk facilities, enforced to comply with disinfection rules (nationwide, starting on August 19)
– (Reinforced monitoring) Reinforce the control and monitoring of the pre-determined high-risk facilities, including door-to-door sales companies
➜ If the disinfection measures are reinforced after two weeks or before, the high-risk facilities will be enforced to stop operation.
¡Û (Other facilities used by a mass) High-risk facilities like restaurants that are larger than a certain scale (e.g. larger than 150§³) should comply with the disinfection rules
< Core Disinfection Rules >
– As for religious facilities, gatherings and events including church service, Buddhist ceremony, and meal service are banned in Seoul and Gyeonggi and the core disinfection rules should be followed immediately (starting on August 15)
[National & Public Facilities, etc.] (National and public facilities) Keep less than 50% of the normal number of guests and focus on operating non-face-to-face service at national and public indoor facilities
➜ If the disinfection measures are reinforced after two weeks or before due to the deterioration of the situation, the national and public indoor facilities will be enforced to stop operation.
(Social welfare facilities) Social welfare facilities, including social welfare centers, are recommended to close. Except for essential services such as emergency care (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
[Gathering, meeting, event] It is recommended to refrain from holding any private/public gatherings, meetings, and events that invite more than 50 individuals indoors or 100 outdoors.
< Examples of gatherings, meetings, and events >
▴Examination (examination for service, certificate exam, etc.) ▴exhibition ▴fair ▴briefing session ▴public hearing ▴symposium ▴ceremony ▴wedding ▴alumni reunion ▴social meeting ▴excursion, etc.
➜ Participants should wear a mask when a gathering, meeting, or event takes place and strictly comply with disinfection rules, such as keeping a distance of 2 meters (at least 1 meter) between participants.
➜ If the disinfection measures are reinforced after two weeks or before due to the deterioration of the situation, administrative banning order of gatherings will be implemented.
[Sports Events] Professional sports events (baseball, soccer, golf, etc.) and other national sports events will be held with no audience.
[Schools] In cities, guns, and gus where collective infections continue to be generated, the opening of schools is recommended to be postponed or remote classes are recommended to be operated. The rest of the schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi should decrease the density of students to one-third of the normal.
[Institutions & Companies] Public institutions should ease the density of workers as much as possible (e.g. half of all) through flexible working hours, working from home, staggered hours, and different lunchtime.
➜ Private companies are recommended to improve the working environment similar to the level of the public institutions (Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, etc.)
[Recommendation of Refraining from Movement] The residents of Seoul and Gyeonggi are advised to refrain from traveling to other cities or provinces to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Social distancing measures of each level |
Category |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Goal |
harmony of disinfection and daily & socio-economic life |
decreasing the number of new confirmed cases to that of level 1 and keeping the tendency |
block a rapid spread of the infectious disease and recover the control of disinfection network |
Core message |
do daily economic activities as usual while complying with disinfection rules. |
refrain from unnecessary going outside & gathering or using facilities that are used by a mess |
in principle, do not engage in any activities except necessary economic socio-economic activities |
Measures |
gathering, meeting, event |
permitted |
prohibited for more than 50 individuals indoors and 100 outdoors |
prohibited for more than 10 individuals |
* recommended to comply with disinfection rules |
sports event |
with limited number of audience |
with no audience |
stop games |
facilities used by a mess |
public |
operation permitted |
operation stopped |
operation stopped |
* for some, the operation is stopped or limited if necessary. |
private |
operation permitted |
high-risk facilities stop operation. |
high- and middle-risk facilities stop operation. |
* high-risk facilities are ordered to refrain from being operated (and comply with disinfection rules). |
enforcement of disinfection rules for other facilities |
enforcement of disinfection rules for other facilities |
¡¡ |
(limiting the number of guests per 4§³) |
(e.g. stopping operation after 9 p.m., considering to stop the operation of underground facilities, etc.) |
school, kindergarten, daycare center |
schools open and remote classes are operated. |
schools open (with the decreased number of students) and remote classes are operated. |
remote classes are operated or schools are closed. |
institution, company |
public |
minimization of the density of workers through flexible working hours and working from home (e.g. 1/3 of all employees) |
limiting the number of employees working in the office through flexible working hours and working from home (e.g. 1/2 of all employees) |
working from home except for the essential number of workers working in the office |
private |
practice of flexible working hours, working from home, etc. recommended |
limitation of the number of working employees in the office through flexible working hours, working from home, etc. recommended |
working from home except for the essential number of employees working in the office recommended |
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