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Cautions when paying the tuition fee
DATE: Oct 14, 2021  |  READ: 1,730

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 2021. 10. ¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ À繫·È¸°èÆÀ
October, 2021. Yonsei University Finance Team

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 When paying tuition, it must be paid through an official financial institution and through a legal process.

 Recently, there are some cases that students’ virtual accounts are used for voice phishing when students pay tuition through an illegal private currency exchange office or when they exchange or transfer money through an acquaintance, not through official financial institutions.

 Students should use official financial institutions in a legal manner to prevent such problems when paying tuition fees and be careful not to expose their virtual account numbers to others.

 If tuition payment is not carried out in a legitimate procedure and is involved in an illegal case, the tuition payment will be invalid (unregistered if you don't register again), and related civil and criminal penalties may be imposed.





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