Winter Abroad at Yonsei, Seoul, Korea - Yonsei University

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Application Procedure

Important Dates


Winter Abroad at Yonsei is open to all students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university as well as high school seniors who have been accepted to an accredited university. (We have a minimum GPA requirement for college or university students, which is above 2.0/4.0.) 

Application Materials (To be uploaded in online application)

We are now entirely paperless and no mailing of hard copy is necessary. Please upload:

1. Academic Document

(either) Your official transcript(scanned or e-copy) if you are currently attending a college or university
(or) Your university admissions confirmation letter if you are a high school senior

2. Photo for student ID card

3. Copy of passport

 Application Procedures

1. Visit the WAY application website
2. Create an ID and complete the online application
3. Pay the application fee
4. Await admission review
5. Receive your acceptance letter via email
6. Finalize by paying tuition and fees

* Those who would like to apply for on-campus housing are strongly recommended to apply for WAY and get acceptance as early as possible. Admission review may take up to 2 weeks, and only admission number holders can apply for on-campus housing. On-campus housing is first-come, first-served basis, which is very competitive.

Dorm website:


It is student’s responsibility to obtain the correct type of visa to participate Winter Abroad at Yonsei.  Each country has different policies in visa management, please consult with the nearest Korean Embassy or Korean Consulate Office in your country for the proper visa type.

In general, students from a country or region where Korea has a visa-waiver agreement may participate with the K-ETA (Korea Electronic Travel Authorization). You may check your eligibility by visiting the K-ETA website.

Students from countries that are excluded from the visa-waiver agreement program must consult with the nearest Korean Embassy or Korean Consulate Office in your country to apply for C-3-1(short-term visiting) or D-2-8(short-term study) visa. Obtaining Visa may be time-consuming, therefore we encourage students to start preparing for it as early as possible.

*Related Website (K-ETA):

*Related Website (Websites for Korean Diplomatic Missions):


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