Latest News
Here are some important announcements and reminders:
1. Certificate of Completion
WAY Session 1 Certificate will be distributed at the WAY information desk(Engineeringa Hall 4 Lobby (1st floor)) during the designated period.
Jan 16 : 09:30 ~ 16:00
Jan 17: 09:30 ~ 16:00
Please note that student Who is taking both sessions (Session 1 and session 2) will receive the certificate on the last day of session 2.
Also the certificate of completion can be collected during the designated period only.
All students will be asked to fill out and submit a short program questionnaire before picking up your certificate.
Please note that the program questionnaire is different from the course evaluation.
2. Library Loans
All library materials checked out from the library must be returned by Jan 17. If you have any outstanding library loans after that date, your transcripts will be withheld and your grades will not be reported to your home university.
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