Winter Abroad at Yonsei, Seoul, Korea - Yonsei University

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[2021-22] Quarantine Period has been shortened
DATE: Nov 8, 2021  |  READ: 970

10 days quarantine for all inbound travellers entering Korea

 (Updated: 2021-11-08)

    In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, all inbound travellers (including returning Korean nationals) are required to quarantine themselves upon their arrival in Korea. The quarantine period has been shortened from 14  days to 10 days with effect from 01 November 2021. 

¨ç Foreign nationals who are short-term visitors in Korea,
¨è Korean nationals and/or foreign residents whose place of residence is deemed not suitable for quarantine, will serve the quarantine at a designated government facility at their own cost (USD 100 to USD 150 per day). The Agreement to Facility Quarantine (refer to attachment) must be completed and submitted to the airlines.
¡Ø Quarantine facilities are randomly assigned and cannot be changed for personal reasons.

¡Ø Transportation from the airport to the government facility will be provided.​

¡ØThose students receiving a student visa will be able to stay on a facility reserved in advance. 

For more information and questions, please consult the nearest Korean embassy in your region.
All information regarding the quarantine is subject to change without notice and it's the student responsibility to acquire the most up to date information.

Kind regards,
WAY Team

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