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The online course registration is scheduled from Dec 12 to Dec 13(10:00 to 17:00).
Keep in mind that the registration time displayed is in Korean Standard Time.
1. You can check your Yonsei Student ID Number by logging in to your WAY application site from 10 AM on Dec 10.
After log in, click on Application Status, and check the bottom of the screen for your Yonsei ID.
2. The online course registration is scheduled from Dec 12 to Dec 13(10:00 to 17:00). (Seoul Time, GMT +9 hours)
[Click "Undergraduate Course Enrollment" Menu.
3. Korean Language Course is not mandatory. However you must register Korean Language course during the course registration period(Dec 12 to Dec 13) if you want to take Korean language course. You are not be able to take the course if you do not register it during the course registration period.
Please read the attached course registration guide carefully before you register for classes.
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